Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spring Break

Over spring break, most of the time was at work. Between the ten day break, counting the Friday before plus the weekends, Melanie was at work for eight of them. She put in a total of about 54 hours between those days. On her spare time outside of work, she painted a little and worked on her fibers project. With staying a her parents house, she saw them a lot and went to her oldest sister's house to help with her sister's wedding in the summer and to spend time with her nephew. She also saw her brother the first couple days and talked to her other sister to help with this sister's baby showers. The amount of work put into her break made her tired. At the end of spring break she found out that her aunt was in the hospital and wasn't doing well. That Monday after break she came back to campus and went to class at 8 A.M. Later that night she got a call from her oldest sister and was told that she smashed up her car that morning and she was making plans for this weekend. She was worried about not reaching their parents to tell them and Melanie had to tell her about their aunt which made her sister worried (her sister gets worried easily and freaks out about that). Since being back on campus, she has went to class and worked on her homework. She still hasn't heard how her aunt is doing since Sunday. With being sad about her aunt she hasn't done anything fun since she's been back, but tonight she is going to see her friends again for the first time from being back and they are going to watch the movie playing on campus tonight.

Monday, March 17, 2008


My family is big and only getting bigger.  There is my mom and dad and I have three siblings.  My oldest sister is 24 and has a six year old son; she is getting married this summer in July; she lives with her soon to be husband and son in Geneva.  Then my other sister is 22 and soon to 23 and is going to have her first child within the next few weeks; she lives with her husband in Rochester.  My brother lives here in Mankato and is majoring in economics.  My parents live in Ellendale and don't do that much other than work and relax.  This last February they went to Hawaii for two weeks to celebrate their 25th anniversary.  Over spring break I worked and that was about it.  Most of my family is doing well and we are getting together for Easter.  This Easter could be very different from any other for us because there is two possible things happening.  My sister wants to have her baby on Easter day because that is her husband's birthday and she was born on my dad's birthday so she thinks that it would be neat to have a girl on her husbands birthday.  The other different event wouldn't be a birthday because that has happened before but instead there might be a funeral.  My aunt isn't doing well, she doesn't have enough of a lung capacity to breath well anymore.  She went into the hospital this weekend and is now in urgent care.  I hope for the best, but it isn't sounding good.  So overall my spring break hasn't been the greatest:  I worked lots, help with my sister's wedding, helped with my other sister's baby shower, and my aunt isn't well.

I don't think it will be hard to top spring break next year though.

Monday, March 3, 2008

A Modest Proposal

Jonathan Swift was purposing to help his country with the poverty was to feed on infants of one year. In all reality he didn't actually propose this idea and didn't want it to happen. He just was trying to come up with something to say for his country to do. This was merely a joke and that he didn't actually wanted to eat infants. I already read this in my High School 12th grade English class and we discussed what it was saying, so I was able to understand the reading and reading it again I was able to picture it more clearly this time through on everything he was saying.