Monday, January 28, 2008

Cold Weather

Cold weather can be great, because when you picture a nice relaxing night or day- I picture myself in warm comfy clothes and cuddling up in a big chair and reading a book with a fire going. When there is cold weather I love to take a hot bubble bath and cuddle up with a book and blanket, there isn't a fire in the fireplace though. My favorite weather is when it is raining so that I have an excuse to just relax. With cold weather there is an excuse also. But if I have to go to work or go to class, I don't really do anything different except wear a coat, hat, and gloves and I also start my car up and heat up for about ten minutes. I should wear more clothes and take care of myself better, but I don't. I do wear thicker clothes, but I usually shower before I go to work and I don't blow dry my hair ever. I go outside with my wet hair then and it freezes up right away, but I have never got sick. I shouldn't take the chance that I do and blow dry my hair, it would take long- for me about ten minutes. The only time I go to work with dry hair out in the cold is when I get ready early or curl my hair.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

"Same Blood" by The Academy Is...

My friend is a huge Academy Is fan and because of her I have started to listen to them. My favorite song of theirs is "Same Blood," from the soundtrack Santi. The song "Same Blood" is about not judging people for who they are and that we're all the same. Many people in the world today are judgemental and it makes it harder for people to leave their lives. This type of situations cause fights between people and countries with war. The soundtrack is fast and up beat which I'm able to listen to and just work and get lots of work done. As an artist it is easier to work with music that you like and can be inspired by and this soundtrack does that for me.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

favorite place

My favorite place that I have ever been to is Washington D.C., unlike my brother. He doesn't like it because of the high crime rate. When I went there was about forty of us, because my high school offered us the trip. We were only there for three days and I would have liked to stay longer. At the time we were there it was in March with a temperature in the sixties and the Cherry Blossom trees were in full bloom. We visited many memorials and museums. My favorite site there is the Holocaust Museum, because the information and videos they have in there are very interesting. At the beginning of the museum you are given a card of an actual Holocaust person and you can see what they had to go through and experience in there life. What I like the most about the city is all the marble and the structures of the building plus, to me, it didn't seem like I was in a city by the height policy for the buildings to only be as high as sixteen floors, I believe it was sixteen. Being there with so many people and my friends made it a lot of fun. There are some really funny moments that happened that I won't forget. I like the city is beautiful and would love to go there again.