Monday, January 28, 2008

Cold Weather

Cold weather can be great, because when you picture a nice relaxing night or day- I picture myself in warm comfy clothes and cuddling up in a big chair and reading a book with a fire going. When there is cold weather I love to take a hot bubble bath and cuddle up with a book and blanket, there isn't a fire in the fireplace though. My favorite weather is when it is raining so that I have an excuse to just relax. With cold weather there is an excuse also. But if I have to go to work or go to class, I don't really do anything different except wear a coat, hat, and gloves and I also start my car up and heat up for about ten minutes. I should wear more clothes and take care of myself better, but I don't. I do wear thicker clothes, but I usually shower before I go to work and I don't blow dry my hair ever. I go outside with my wet hair then and it freezes up right away, but I have never got sick. I shouldn't take the chance that I do and blow dry my hair, it would take long- for me about ten minutes. The only time I go to work with dry hair out in the cold is when I get ready early or curl my hair.

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