Monday, February 11, 2008


Melanie is from the greek origin meaning black or dark.

My mom said she asked my dad what to name me between Melanie and some other name and he chose my name, because he didn't hear the other name that my mom had said. My dad says he heard both names and just picked one, so I'm not to sure. I think my mom pick Melanie for one of the choices to be named after my grandpa Melvin. She hasn't really told me if that was why it was in the choices.

I have many nicknames and some are far from my name. Most people call my Mel for short, but my sister calls me Malrie because she was had a few to drink and we were playing cards and she wrote my name wrong. My brother and friends called me Stella for a while, because we were watching "Deroit Rock City" and Stella means disco chick on that movie (even though I don't like most disco songs). A lot of people call me many different names when they first meet me, because they don't remember it; at work it took one of my managers two months to get my name right.

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