Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Resreaching & Paper


Resreaching for the paper can be done in different ways. At home I will be able to look up some articles and book codes, so once I get to there I can find them right away. Most of it was used on the computers which some of the looking up sreaches are confussing. It was hard to find the right information that I was looking for and I had to be careful that it wasn't just some other books that wasn't for resreaching. It would have been most likely easier if I already had exactly what my topic was going to be on; instead of just an idea. With my idea it made it difficult to find the right types of books. When I looked up art there was many books, but a lot weren't useful and it was hard to find the ones that fitted in with my topic ideas. But when I tried looking up a certain artist I was thinking about it wasn't useful, because there was only a couple a books and in the art look up there were some that would have worked to for the artist look up too, but wasn't on that list.


The paper should go fine. I don't have a complete topic yet, but I have only a couple ideas left and I'm going to chose the one that I can find more information on. With the draft due next week I'm not worried, because I'm going to work on the paper over the weekend and should finish my draft on Monday I would think. It shouldn't be that hard to do, most of it is siting and then I will just have to remember to document it correctly. Between my last choices of the topic it would be simular whatever one I choose. They deal with an art piece, a couple to chose from still, but it shouldn't be that hard to find information on them and I have my art history book to use too and they are in that book.

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