Monday, April 28, 2008

Movie ONCE

The movie we watched in class was about the two people's lives when they were meeting each other.  In the movie they were working with songs and weren't getting a break in live.  They decide to record some of the main male character's songs.  The time span of the movie was a week or so of their live and at the end of the movie they seemed to be doing better.

This movie will help me with my next paper, because it shows a time in the main characters lives that was being focused.  And this is a good method for the paper.  Since I don't know what the guide lines for the paper are it is hard to know if this is the concept for the paper or not.  I think that it is suppose to be an autobiography and the paper is a few page samples or focus on a certain situation or moment mentioned in the autobiography. 

I not really sure on what I'm going to write about in my paper, hopefully after I see the guidelines I will be able to pick out a topic in my life for my paper. The paper will most likely have some sort of part about my family, because we are big and are close with each other.  I'm not sure if I will talk about one of our favorite stories we like to remember about or just them in general.  The paper can be from my past, present, or a made up future and with these choices I'm not entirely such what time period or age frame I will choose for my paper.

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